PCIT International Logo; Resource Information

PCIT: Readiness and Clinic Set-Up


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In this video two PCIT Global Trainers, Dr. Reesa Donnelly and Dr. John Paul Abner, provide background information that will be helpful for any administrator or therapist considering whether to start a PCIT clinic. The speakers provide information about the PCIT protocol and the types of clients/families that are best served by PCIT. Drs. Donnelly and Abner also summarize research supporting the use of PCIT and discuss best practices for setting up a PCIT clinic.  Potential audiences for this video include potential PCIT therapists, PCIT Within-Agency Trainers (WATers), Supervisors/Administrators supporting PCIT, agencies interested in starting PCIT, and IT/staff helping to set up a new PCIT clinic.

Please note that completion of this introductory video does include any CE credit.